June 5, 2022

Climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste are the evidence that, all around us, the earth is in “red code”. World Environment Day 2022 aims at accelerating a shift in this trend by implementing transformative changes in all our actions, transforming consumption, production, etc.

At Asphalion health is at the center of our business and we advocate for a more sustainable world. Our Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for this year shows significant commitment to the responsible production and consumption UN 2030 goal.

At Asphalion we want to be a truly transformative company in terms of sustainability. This is why we have gone to action and created several processes, implemented new measures and improvements that can help us become even a more environment friendly company by rethinking business practices from a sustainable perspective. Some of the examples of these measures are:

  • Installation of an osmosis system-> Reduction of plastic bottled wáter
  • Use of refillable mugs-> Use discard of plastic glasses
  • 360º recycling-> Bins installation in our canteen
  • Gone plastic free! -> No more plastic cutlery

You can have a detailed look of our company sustainability goals and commitment in our CSR plan:

Press Release Asphalion 2022 CSR Plan

Because there is #OnlyOneEarth. Let’s take care of it!

For further information you can contact us at: [email protected]





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