We are pleased to announce that the RBDCOV project website has been launched!!
RBDCOV is a project that aims to test the efficacy, tolerability and safety of the HIPRA’s vaccine against the different variants of COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccine being developed by HIPRA is an adjuvanted recombinant protein vaccine, based on a receptor binding domain (RBD) fusion heterodimer containing variants B.1.1.7 (alpha) and B.1.351 (beta) of SARS-CoV-2.
The initiative is an innovative vaccine-focused research project that brings together the expertise of a number of European groups and companies in rational design of animal and human vaccine immunogens, vaccine manufacturing, distribution and commercialisation, cellular and humoral immune responses, clinical trials, regulatory issues, stakeholders involvement and patients perspective. Asphalion is proud regulatory partner of the project.
Check the website to get to know more about this HORIZON project and for regular updates as the project progresses.
For further information: [email protected]