Horizon2020 project SBR releases animated clip

The European research project SBR is developing innovative treatment options for patients with large bone defects through a targeted resorbable bone implant and advanced technologies for the controlled delivery of active molecules to accelerate bone regeneration.

The European research project SBR is developing innovative treatment options for patients with large bone defects through a targeted resorbable bone implant and advanced technologies for the controlled delivery of active molecules to accelerate bone regeneration.
April 8, 2021

The European research project SBR is developing innovative treatment options for patients with large bone defects through a targeted resorbable bone implant and advanced technologies for the controlled delivery of active molecules to accelerate bone regeneration. The SBR consortium has just released an animated video clip showcasing the approach and goals of the project. The short animation makes the project accessible to the general public in an entertaining and easily comprehensible manner. It is the explicit goal of the SBR consortium to address and inform also a laymen audience, for example patients with large bone defects, about the objectives of their project.

The clip is available on the SBR project website (https://www.smart-bone-regeneration.eu) and on YouTube (https://youtu.be/py91FS1TGHU).

The project launched in January of 2020 with the collaboration of 10 international partners comprising academic institutions, R&D and regulatory companies, as well as specialised SMEs. Since then, the partners have worked persistently to make progress in developing a new and innovative implant to treat large bone defects more effectively.

The first year was strongly impacted by the challenging conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, important milestones where reached such as a first design of the implant, its parts, geometry and components (and how they will connect), as well as dimensions. This takes into account all relevant information about the potential sizes of bone defects and the needed mechanical properties related to the real mechanical loads that they should be able to handle. Further, the foundational work for the in vitro preclinical studies was set up. However, their ethics approval is still pending due to COVID-19 related closures of some labs.

Asphalion is proud to be the regulatory partner for this H2020 project, taking care of the regulatory activities during the development of this innovative product.

For any request or further information, you can contact us at [email protected]

Asphalion, your ideal regulatory partner!


For more information on the project please visit www.smart-bone-regeneration.eu.

This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 853995. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.

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