The ETERNAL project team has gathered together in Aveiro, Portugal, to hold its 6-month meeting. This four-year EC Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action will contribute to sustainable development of pharmaceutical manufacture, use and disposal, by using and promoting full life cycle approaches covering design, manufacture, usage, and disposal, assessing the environmental risks of not only active pharmaceutical ingredients and residues or metabolites, but other chemicals and by-products of the production process. In other words, safe and sustainable pharmaceutical lifecycles by design.
Asphalion experts André Mota and Izabela Bedziak have attended the meeting. Asphalion is the regulatory partner throughout the project, providing regulatory guidance to support understanding of the environmental exposure and ecotoxicity during pharmaceuticals development to ensure the solutions are commercially deployable in the future through a compliant by design approach according to applicable regulatory guidelines and technical standards. Due to Asphalion expertise in the regulatory field, Asphalion will also engage with policy makers, regulators and standards bodies to ensure a regulatory framework that enables green innovation.
For further information, you can check the project´s homepage:
You can also send us your info requests at: [email protected]
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) under grant agreement No 101057668.