✹ Today is World Blood Donor Day. From Asphalion, we would like to help raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion and praise voluntary blood donors all over the world for the critical unpaid contribution they make to national health systems.
✹ Safe blood and blood products and their transfusion are a critical aspect of care and public health. They save millions of lives and improve the health and quality of life of many patients every day.
✹ Folowing this year’s campaign slogan, “Give blood and keep the world beating”, we would like to thank blood donors all over the world to keep up the good work and encourage people to donate, since the donation of blood makes the difference between life and death.
✹For further information, you can contact us at: [email protected]
#worldblooddonorday #blood #blooddonor #blooddonorday #savelives #donateblood #WeAreAsphalion #RegulatoryAffairs #givebloodandkeeptheworldbeating