September 21, 2023

World Alzheimer’s Day is observed on September 21 every year. This day is a global effort to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease. It also aims to eradicate the stigma around Alzheimer, as well as other types of dementia. According to the World Health Organisation, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia and contributes to 60-70% of cases. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking and behaviour. These symptoms get worse over time and start to affect one’s daily living and activities, usually affecting people over the age of 65 years.


At Asphalion, we are committed to contributing to this cause by emphasizing the power of knowledge. Understanding dementia, its impact on individuals, recognizing warning signs, and knowing how to support those affected is crucial for overall well-being. Dementia is a significant global health challenge and one of the most pressing issues in healthcare and social services in this century. As the world’s population ages, it will continue to strain healthcare systems worldwide.


Asphalion has actively participated in numerous projects related to Alzheimer’s, providing valuable Regulatory Affairs support. Our team is passionate about our mission, which involves collaborating with clients to generate ideas and implement solutions that enhance health and well-being. Let’s remember that together, we have the capacity to make a significant difference in addressing this critical issue

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