Asphalion expert Javier Martínez is present at EUSAAT (European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing) at the In2Sight project booth. In2Sight is a EU-funded project where ASPHALION is regulatory partner that aims to foster an unprecedented breakthrough in in-vivo optical imaging that will radically renew the biocompatibility tests of biomaterials. This technology will recast our thinking of biomaterial validation, allowing unprecedented quantitative and longitudinal analyses of the host inflammatory response to the implant.
EUSAAT provides an opportunity to share scientific experience on alternatives to animal use in the life sciences, to get updated on the EU 3Rs policy and to discuss new concepts of implementing the 3Rs in academic education at the European and the international level, and In2Sight is completely aligned with the objectives of the congress.
Check the project website for further information:
And the congress website:
For further information you can also contact us at: [email protected]