Awareness | World Breast Cancer Day

October 19, 2023

Today Asphalion goes Pink in order to show our support and commitment to World Breast Cancer Day and to help raise awareness. October 19th serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing battle against this devastating disease. It is a day to raise awareness, offer support to those affected, and advocate for early detection and research.

The significance of Breast Cancer Day lies not only in its ability to bring attention to the challenges faced by countless women and men affected by breast cancer, but also in its role in promoting education about self-examinations, regular screenings, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle

At ASPHALION, we are very proud to have provided Scientific and Regulatory Support for 20+ projects related to the treatment and diagnostic of cancer. Our team´s mission is our passion: working together with our clients in order to generate ideas and implement solutions that contribute to improving health in all our lives.

By recognizing this day, we emphasize our collective commitment to improving the lives of those impacted by this disease and the tireless work of medical professionals, researchers, and support organizations working to find a cure. Together, we can make a difference and continue to spread hope and resilience in the face of breast cancer.

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